池上古厝的素描寫生,對安教授而言,應該算是個意外。2003年,當年還是安教授指導的台灣博士生陳柔妃,研究池上斷層及1951年池上地震,利用地震前後所拍攝的航空照片,來嘗試分析計算得到地震造成的斷層滑移量。這個計算中,必須將航照精確定位。安教授以十多年來池上的觀察經驗,發現到池上還留下了一些幾十年的老瓦房。這些古厝,應該是可以提供地震前後航照做定位。安教授因此和學生一起,以現代科技精密量測定位池上遺留的幾個古厝,特別是那些還保留興建當時的舊屋瓦,屋瓦邊角是很好的基準點。在這樣的背景下,安教授一邊尋找池上最老的古厝,一邊測量屋角。在工作同時,安教授的妙筆並沒有停著;這些古厝之美,在無意中又重現了。 Professor Angelier has made a series of sketches of Taiwanese traditional houses in the Chihshang area in 2003. Here present three of these sketches. They do not look like the drawings by a scientist instead of much like an artist's work. This should be considered as an accident. As studying the Chihshang Fault for a long time, Angelier and his Taiwanese student, Rou-Fei Chen have compared the aerial photographs before and after the 1951 Chihshang earthquake in order to estimate the co-seismic movement. By doing this, ancient houses in Chihshang were taken as the reference for controlled points in aerial photographs analyses. During conducting the localization of these houses, Angelier found the beauty of the ancient Chinese-style houses and sketched like an artist. ![]() 古厝,池上(2003)約70年屋齡的林宅。 Ancient House, Chihshang (2003)Lin's home of about 70 years old. ![]() 古厝,池上(2003)約60年屋齡的潘宅。 Ancient House, Chihshang (2003)Pan's house of about 60 years old. |