![]() ![]() 從安朔葉教授1981年首次來台後,便和台灣結下不解之緣。他很明顯地被台灣豐富的地質構造所吸引,從此幾乎每年都遠從歐亞大陸的另一側,不遠千里飛來台灣從事幾個星期的野外地質工作,堅持了三十年,直到2010年因病過世。在他台灣地質工作旅程前十年(亦即80年代)裡,他的足跡就差不多踏遍全台。在80年代的前半段野外是以花東縱谷、海岸山脈、西部麓山帶丘陵區為主,而後半段則包括了澎湖、中央山脈地區、東北角海岸等。 In 1981, the first time of his visit in Taiwan, Jacques Angelier seemed to be attracted by the active tectonics and the abundant geological structures in the island. Since then he came to Taiwan almost every year for spending a few weeks in the field for geological investigations until he died in 2010. During the first 10 years of his fieldwork in Taiwan, Angelier's foot tracks had already covered nearly the whole Taiwan area. In the first half of the 80s, his efforts were mostly focused on the Longitudinal Valley and the Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan, and the western Foothills. He then spent a lot time in the field in Penghu, the Central Range, and the northeastern coast during the second half of the 80s. |