主題展館 › 池上地質展示中心
  • 921集集地震 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake


1999, the catastrophic Chi-Chi earthquake struck Taiwan causing the greatest loss of human lives and damage to properties in the last hundred years. At that time, although Professor Angelier was in Paris, he was so concerned with theTaiwanese that he immediately dropped his teaching and administrative duties and hurried to Taiwan to do field investigations. As a geologist, he realized that the most important scientific contribution to the mitigation of earthquake damage is the understanding of the characteristics of the co-seismic surface rupture. He has high expectations that this kind of scientific research could be helpful to the Taiwanese people and eventually to the world. Thus, in approximately ten days, Professor Angelier succeeded in following the fault traces of the Chelungpu fault from north to south and putting down in detail the careful investigation and analysis of the characteristics of the surface ruptures.



Shi-Kang Dam (1999)

The Shi-Kang Dam is situated at the Shi-Kang town, Tachia River. The dam structure was offset by the Chelungpu fault during Chi-Chi earthquake with 5-8 meters of vertical displacement exhibiting a pronounced rupture.



Track and Field, Kuang-Fu School (1999)

The Kuang-Fu School, Wu-Feng lies on the fault trace of the Chelungpu fault. The co-seismic ruptures displaced the track and field stadium with a fault scarp of about 2 meters in height. This site has been preserved and an earthquake museum was built on top of the track and field stadium. Professor Angelier had deliberated at length at this stadium and did detailed measurements on the fault scarp. At the two ends of the field track, he reconstructed and calculated the vector of fault displacement in 3 dimensions.



Fault scarp deformation, Fengyuan (1999)

Professor Angelier made detailed observations along the fault ruptures zone of the Chi-Chi earthquake. At the some sites, the deformed human construction, for instance like this tilted house and displaced car, allow him to reconstruct the original geometry and to calculate the fault movement – here a horizontal shortening of 3.44 m.