![]() ![]() 經過1980、1990年代約二十年的持續地質工作後,安朔葉教授對台灣的熱情不減,2000年代的十年中,他依舊每年來台從事野外地質工作,而且常常是一年兩次。野外的足跡涵蓋全島:北海岸、苗栗火焰山、嘉義丘陵區、台南市後甲里斷層、月世界、高雄石灰岩、屏東小琉球、恆春半島、台東太麻里、花東縱谷(池上斷層)、中央山脈地區、東部蛇紋岩礦區等。許多地方雖然已經不是第一次造訪,但是安教授顯然非常希望可以將台灣各地的地質現象能有更進一步的深入分析研究。其中池上斷層、恆春半島、太麻里變形構造、台灣整體造山作用構造模式等,是這段期間他心力花費特別多的科學主題。綜合來說,舊地重遊、精益求精,可以說是這十年他的台灣工作寫照。這個精神也一直持續到他去世前最後一次台灣行(2009年2月)。 Professor Angelier apparently still had possessed great passion after two decades intensive work in Taiwan. He manipulated to come to Taiwan, mostly for fieldwork, at least once and often twice or more each year from 2000 to 2009. During the years of 2000s, his field observations and scientific work covered a large part of the island, including North Coast, Houyanshan, Chiayi, Houchiali Fault, Tainan badland ('Moon world'), Limestone mounts in Kaohsiung, Xiao Ryukyu islet, Hengchun peninsula, Taimali, Longitudinal Valley (e.g., Chihshang Fault), Central Range, Serpentinite quarries, etc. Obviously, not first-time visits for many of these places, he seemingly intended to have more profound understanding on local geology by more detailed observations and analyses. In his third decade of geological work in Taiwan, Angelier spent much of his focus in particular on the Chihshang Fault, Hengchun peninsula, Taimali and the whole mountain building architecture until his last field trip on February 2009. |