![]() 月世界惡地,台南關廟(1992)台南關廟、玉井、南化一帶,分布了廣泛的泥岩惡地,俗稱為月世界。這裡屬於造山帶的前陸地區,紀錄了造山前緣淺海相快速泥岩沈積,隨後又在造山作用下快速隆升,使沈積物沒來得及在地下進行成岩作用就出露地表,因而形成了膠結不佳的軟弱泥岩,受風吹雨打侵蝕快速,造成了惡地地形。在安教授的筆下,惡地地貌表現突出,還透露了沈積時一層層的原始構造。 Badland, Kuanmiao, Tainan (1992)The widespread rugged hills east of the Tainan and Kaohsiung Cities are characterized by topography of 'badland'. This outer-space landscape was formed under rapid uplift of mountain building soon after the mudstone had been deposits in the foreland area of the mountain belt. Because that the mudstone was such unconsolidated week, it is prone to be eroded by rain and wind and is shaped to be badland feature. The sketched drawings of Professor Angelier vividly illustrate the outstanding features of the badland landform with layered sedimentary structures. ![]() 月世界泥岩及斷層,(1989)在月世界的泥岩地層中,安教授的野外研究中,發現了有普遍性地層沈積時發生正斷層的現象。同沈積的正斷層構造,在露頭上顯得特別漂亮,灰白條紋相間的沈積地層,被一系列斷層切斷,形成一幅大自然美麗的圖案。(註:這些沈積同時之正斷層現在看起來是以逆斷層的形式出現,原因是原本水平沈積的地層爾後受變形成高角度傾斜,如此正斷層旋轉成看似逆斷層) Mudstone and Faults (1989)One of the most common deformation geological structures in the badland areas is 'Normal Fault', in particular syn-sedimentary normal fault. As the sedimentary strata often were folded and tilted by subsequent mountain building processes, these normal faults, which developed usually when the strata were horizontally flat, have also been tilted and are now looked like "thrust faults". ![]() ![]() ![]() 共軛正斷層及礫石破裂,八卦台地,彰化(1992繪)大肚台地和八卦台地位於台中盆地西緣。這兩個同屬於台灣造山帶前緣的第四紀抬升紅土階地台地,也紀錄了最新期的板塊擠壓及造山作用。安教授在1989、92、94年三次特別安排造訪八卦、大肚台地進行地質調查,也有了特別重要的發現。一是八卦台地北半部有很廣泛的正斷層的作用(左圖),另一是礫石的碰撞擠壓造成的星狀破裂(右圖)。特別是後者,安教授提出的應力分析法,日後被許多地質工作者普遍應用在礫石層的變形分析上。 Conjugate faults and Fractured pebbles, Pakua Tableland (1992)Both Tatu and the Pakua Tableland located at the western border of the Taichung basin belonged to the uplifted Quaternary red lateritic river terraces of the frontal deformation zone of the Taiwan orogenic belt. Recorded in them are the recently compressed structures of the mountain building processes. Three field investigations were arranged by Professor Angelier specifically for the Tatu and the PakuaTableland in 1989, 1992, and 1994 respectively, resulting in important findings: one is the existence of extensive normal faults in the northern Pakua Tableland; and the other is the compressed structure with star-like broken fracture pattern in the conglomerates. In particular for the latter, Professor proposed an analytic method using stress analysis, which has since enjoyed wide application by geologists studying deformed conglomerates. ![]() 台灣西部造山前緣演化練習圖(1992)經過十多年在台灣西部麓山帶及前陸地區數次的野外地質調查,在1992年一月,這天安朔葉教授結束當天野外工作後,在苗栗的一家小旅館,嘗試綜合歸納他的觀察及分析結果,繪出台灣西部台中地區之造山前緣地質及斷層演化示意圖。 Evolution of frontal thrusting in western Taiwan (1992)This is the evolution of.After several field investigations within a span of more than a decade, in January 1992, in the western foothills and the foreland regions, in a small hotel in Miaoli, Professor Angelier contemplated and synthesized the previous results and drew the synoptic block diagrams of the faulting structures and the geological evolution of the foreland of Taiwan. |