![]() 太麻里附近有漂亮的海岸,在台東常年充足的日照下,藍天下的蔚藍海岸及熱帶棕櫚樹,饒有一番令人心曠神怡的景緻。在地質學家的眼裡,太麻里海岸有另一層含義。這裡蘊藏著一個壯麗但令人迷惑的大型褶皺變形構造。從1990年代末起到2000年代中,陸續有一些地質學家探討此大型褶皺及相伴隨的其他地質構造。而安朔葉教授也對太麻里大型褶皺感興趣,加入研究陣容,分別於2000、01、04、06年,數度來到太麻里,從事野外的地質觀察等研究工作。雖然研究成果還沒來得及全部發表,但野外手稿的紀錄其實透露出他的一些看法及見解。 Taimali is a small coastal village just south of the Taitung City. It is famous for the blue sea view with tropical palm, as well as its field of Orange Daylili flower. For geologists, there is a mysterious antiform folding structure sits at the coastline in Taimali. Since 1990s several geologists came to Taimali to study this structure. Angelier also joined to study it and spent several times, including 2000, 01, 04 and 06, to conduct field observation and structural analyses. Although he did not publish all the results before his sudden illness, the field sketches and notes revealed indeed some of his opinions about this complex fold. ![]() 太麻里背斜構造露頭速寫(2006)位於台東太麻里南端海岸的這個「似背斜」褶皺構造,安教授拜訪了幾次。為了到達此地,要冒著吉普車可能深陷沙中的窘境,有時必須和漲潮的海水競賽。這些都抵擋不住他對探討大自然地質現象的熱情及決心。這張是他2006年最後一次來時,快速描繪的簡圖。很有趣的是,在前後四次的地質工作中,安教授似乎並沒有留下這個背斜構造的詳細露頭素描。 Anticline, Taimali (2006)This large antiform folding structure is located south of Taimali along the coastline. Angelier came to this outcrop several times. It was not always easy to work here: jeep could be sucked in the sand and high tide could block the path. This is the outcrop simple sketch during his last visit in 2006. It is curious that Angelier had never made details drawing on this relatively complex structure among four of his visits. ![]() 地質構造演化三維示意圖,太麻里 (2001)2000年,安教授第一次來到此露頭點,經過一個下午的觀察、測量,得到一個初步的結果。2001年,安教授再次來到太麻里背斜褶皺,這次更仔細的觀察及分析了板劈理和褶皺的關聯,提出了一個構造演化概念想法。 Structural Evolution of Taimali Anticline (2001)In 2001, Angelier came to visit the Taimali antiform outcrop again. This time he spent a whole day at outcrop in order to delineate the structural relationship between the development of slaty cleavage and folding. He drew these artistic 3-D block diagrams to reveal his conclusion and concept. |