錦園村位於錦園溪口的沖積扇上。受到河流快速的侵蝕、搬運及沈積作用,年輕而厚實的河流沈積物覆蓋在斷層帶上,使得斷層兩側較老的基盤地層在地下無法出露,故池上斷層在本地的活動行為與其他幾處不同。雖然如此,快速且持續滑移的池上斷層,仍將年輕的河流沈積物錯動而使破裂帶穿出地表,破壞了斷層帶上的人工建物,錦園村第6、7、8解說景點,都有明顯的斷層破壞行為。本景點之內容是錦園溪溝渠中的四道斷層破裂,其中三道破裂佈設有潛變儀及釘網,以觀測紀錄斷層的活動。 The Village of Chinyuan is located in a small alluvial fan of the Chinyuan River. Because of that, the shallow stratigraphy and structure of the Chihshang Fault is different than other sites in this park. Due to rapid erosion and sedimentation of the Chinyuan River, the bedrocks on the both sides of the fault are buried by thick young alluvial deposits. However, the Chihshang Fault with rigorous creep still ruptured the young gravels and emerged into surface, causing numerous fractures on the human construction on the surface. Three sites with obvious faulting (No. 6, 7 and 8) are welcomed for visit. At this site (No. 6), four fractures zones can be observed along the Chinyuan River channel, each with a creep meter installed to straddling the fault. 錦園村斷層地表破裂分布Surface Fault Deformation in Chinyuan![]() 圖一、錦園村之地形特徵及斷層帶破裂分布圖。6、7、8:斷層景點編號及解說牌位置。a, b, c, d:錦園溪溝渠的斷層破裂位置。
斷層地下結構及地表破壞Fault architecture and Fractures on Channels![]() 圖二、錦園村的池上斷層淺部地層及斷層構造示意圖。斷層兩側較老的地層被千百年來河流沈積物覆蓋,至少在地下100公尺處。
![]() 圖三、本景點可觀察到斷層帶受擠壓而造成溝渠破裂變形。斷層擠壓造成了這個類似逆斷層的破裂,可以觀察到被壓縮的水泥涵管排水溝。在破裂的位置還佈設了潛變儀,以紀錄斷層的潛移。