主題展館 › 池上地質展示中心
  • 曾宅


The Chihshang Fault is a reverse fault (with left-lateral strike-slip component), along which the Coastal Range is thrust over the alluvial deposits of the Longitudinal Valley.The deformation along the surface trace of the Chihshang Fault is characterized by fracturing and shortening along the fault as well as uplift and folding in the hanging wall of the fault (Fig. 2). As a result, the width of the deformation zone ranges from a few meters to a few hundred meters, depending on site locations.At this site, we can observe different deformation features inflicted on the human constructions within the surface fault zone. For instance, a well has been transected and tilted probably by shearing of the fault (Fig. 1). We can also find tilted, fractured retaining walls and wave-shaped roof, which have been deformed mainly due to shortening strain in the fault zone (Fig. 2).

錯位傾斜的古井Transected, tilted well


折彎斷裂的牆和屋瓦Fractured walls and wave-shaped roof
