![]() 安朔葉教授,法國人(1947~2010),國際知名的地質學家及大學教授,獲獎無數,包括法國科學院洛林獎、比利時皇家科學院富馬力葉獎、台法科技獎第一屆得獎人等,並獲選為法國科學院準院士、歐洲科學院院士等。1981 年起,他首次來到台灣並開始從事台灣大地構造與演化的研究,與台灣地球科學家有密切的合作關係。 安朔葉教授長期任教於法國巴黎居禮大學(巴黎第六大學),晚年移居法國南部尼斯,並在附近臨地中海的維拉馮斯海洋實驗研究室(隸屬於居禮大學)從事教學及研究工作。他的研究足跡遍佈全世界各大洲,包括法國、希臘、東歐、俄國、西亞、阿拉伯半島、日本、韓國、美國等,卻特別鍾情於台灣,從1981到2009將近三十年當中,幾乎從無間斷地每年均來台灣從事學術研究工作(尤其是野外地質調查)一至二次。早年他在台灣的研究,特別是古應力推演、板塊擠壓及三維板塊地體構造結構的模型上,有劃時代的貢獻,廣為全世界及台灣地球科學界所引用。 從90年代初到2009年這二十年,安朔葉教授教授的研究,特別集中在台灣東部花東縱谷地區,尤其是池上斷層的研究。他帶領的台法合作研究團隊,不但發現了池上斷層地表的出露位置、確立斷層為活動斷層、量測建立斷層滑移率、發現斷層有季節性鎖定的特性,也將此全球罕見、並可在地表觀察到快速潛移的斷層,推向全世界;使台灣花東縱谷的池上斷層登上世界舞台,享有相當高的知名度。 安朔葉教授不僅對台灣的地體構造及斷層有極高的興趣及貢獻,同時對於台灣的文化及風土人情也非常喜愛且融入其中。中華文物及台灣烏龍茶,更是他的最愛之一。他在池上地區持續性的研究,吸引了當地人對池上斷層的注意與重視,甚至有幾位本地人士加入安朔葉教授的研究團隊,幫忙尋找斷層露頭、協助野外測量及參與討論等。安教授可以視為半個台灣人,也算是池上鄉的榮譽鄉民。 ![]() ![]() ![]() Jacques Angelier (1947-2010), a well-established worldwide French geologist. He was Professor at University Pierre-et-Marie Curie in Paris and also appointed to Observatoire Ocennologique de Villefrache-sur-Mer near Nice during the later years in his academic carrier. He has developed methodology of stress inversion on fault slip and earthquake, which has been applied in many countries all over the different continents in the world. He obtained numerous academic awards, notably Victor Raulin Prize of French Academy of Science (1991), Fourmarier Prize of Royal Academy of Science of Belgium (1996) and France-Taiwan Scientific Prize (1999). He was elected as Corresponding Member of French Academy of Science and Member of Academia Europaea. Jacques Angelier has been worked in Taiwan since 1981, as soon as he obtained his French National PhD degree in 1979 and was then appointed as Professor at University Paris VI in 1981. He spent nearly 30 years of almost all his scientific life to study the geology and tectonics in the Taiwan area until he passed away in 2010. As passionate as he seeing geology in Taiwan, Professor Angelier came to Taiwan (mostly for field geological investigation) practically once or twice each year during this 30-year-long journey. In the early years of his work in Taiwan, Professor Angelier discovered the major tectonic events with their main directions of compression stress and has drawn an artistic 3-D diagram of plate configuration around the Taiwan area. The latter has since been used broadly by geoscience community worldwide while illustrating the tectonics in Taiwan. He has brought numerous French students and scientists to work geology in Taiwan. He has been also a long time leader of France-Taiwan collaboration in Earth Sciences on the French side. During the last 20 years or so, Jacques Angelier had paid particular attention on the Chihshang Fault, an active fault in eastern Taiwan at the plate suture between the Philippine Sea plate and Eurasia, although his traces of geological study were all over the island. His work on the Chihshang Fault together with several his Taiwanese colleagues made some new findings on this particular fault, including discovery of surface breaks of the fault, measuring its slip rate, characterizing the seasonal variation of the slip behavior, and so on. Their efforts have made the Chihshang Fault famous as one of the most rapid creeping faults in the world. After 30-year-long non-stop visits in Taiwan, Professor Angelier might be happy to be considered as a half Taiwanese and an honorary citizen of the Chihshang Township. |